模块 Syntaxerr

module Syntaxerr: sig .. end


警告: 此模块不稳定,是 compiler-libs 的一部分。

type invalid_package_type = 
| 参数化类型
| 约束类型
| 私有类型
| Not_with_type
| Neither_identifier_nor_with_type
type error = 
| Unclosed of Location.t * string * Location.t * string
| Expecting of Location.t * string
| Not_expecting of Location.t * string
| Applicative_path of Location.t
| Variable_in_scope of Location.t * string
| Other of Location.t
| Ill_formed_ast of Location.t * string
| Invalid_package_type of Location.t * invalid_package_type
| Removed_string_set of Location.t
exception Error of error
exception Escape_error
val location_of_error : error -> Location.t
val ill_formed_ast : Location.t -> string -> 'a