val is_native : bool
val loadfile : string -> unit
val loadfile_private : string -> unit
val adapt_filename : string -> string
val set_allowed_units : string list -> unit
val allow_only : string list -> unit
val prohibit : string list -> unit
val main_program_units : unit -> string list
val public_dynamically_loaded_units : unit -> string list
val all_units : unit -> string list
val allow_unsafe_modules : bool -> unit
type linking_error = private
Undefined_global of string
| Unavailable_primitive of string
| Uninitialized_global of string
type error = private
Not_a_bytecode_file of string
| Inconsistent_import of string
| Unavailable_unit of string
| Unsafe_file
| Linking_error of string * Dynlink.linking_error
| Corrupted_interface of string
| Cannot_open_dynamic_library of exn
| Library's_module_initializers_failed of exn
| Inconsistent_implementation of string
| Module_already_loaded of string
| Private_library_cannot_implement_interface of string
exception Error of Dynlink.error
val error_message : Dynlink.error -> string
val unsafe_get_global_value
bytecode_or_asm_symbol:string -> Stdlib.Obj.t option